News and Alerts
K/1st Oral Health - To make sure your child is ready for school, California law, Education Code Section 49452.8, requires that your child have an oral health assessment (dental checkup) by December 31 in either kindergarten or first grade, whichever is his or her first year in public school. Assessments that have happened within the 12 months before your child enters school also meet this requirement. The law specifies that the assessment must be done by a licensed dentist or other licensed or registered dental health professional. Oral Health forms are available in the school office or on our website.
A new Authorization is required at the beginning of each school year and any time there is a change in medication directives (such as change in medication, dosage, timing, or frequency).
All medication supplied to the District must be in its original labeled form (i.e., in the original prescription bottle, sealed package, etc.).
The form for your doctor to complete for prescription or over-the-counter medication is available in the school office.
Alerts or Current Health Concerns
Lice - Unfortunately, lice is common in school age children. While a significant nuisance, they do not pose a health risk. Please refer to the resources at the bottom of the page.